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XCOF Document Certification Guidelines

To complete onboarding for subscriptions to XBTO Crypto Opportunities Fund SAC Ltd. ("XCOF"), we may ask for certified copies of specific documents. Certification confirms that the copy is a true and accurate reflection of the original and is a key step in meeting regulatory requirements.

Certification Requirements

The certifier must sign each page of the document and include the following confirmation wording: "I hereby certify that I have seen the original of this document and that this is a complete and accurate copy of that document.” For photo IDs, they should also state that “the photo is a true likeness of the applicant.” The certifier must clearly: print their name, the date of the certification, their signature, job title, contact address, phone number, and affix an official stamp or seal.

The copy must be of good quality, with readable handwriting. Best efforts should be made to secure a clear and legible certified copy of photographic identity evidence.

Clients are required to present the original document and a copy to the certifier, who must:

  • Compare the original with the copy.
  • Sign and date the certified copy.

Who Can Certify Documents?

Only specific professionals are authorised to certify documents for XBTO, such as:

  • Accountants.
  • Lawyers, solicitor, advocate, attorney. 
  • Notary Public. 
  • Director or manager of a regulated financial institution. 

Please note that the certifier must not:

  • Be related to the individual or the company.
  • Be an owner, controller, or employee of the company.
  • Live at the same address or be in a relationship with the individual.

For companies, internal employees cannot certify documents due to conflicts of interest.

What documents work as proof of address? 

  • Individual: Bank statements, utility bills, or tax bills.
  • Entities: Bank statements, utility bills, tax bills, certificate of incumbency,  or a Special Certificate from a government registry. A corporate document such as a certified copy of the entity’s Articles of Incorporation may also be used, provided they show the entity’s registered address. Please note that invoices are not accepted as proof of address. 

Additional Options

If you are unable to find one of the specified professionals, you may consider using a local certification service (such as a public notary service). We ask our clients to ensure that the certifier meets our requirements.